22_Believe In Me (2000)
(Paul Brady / Carole King)
Is there an artist, a writer, or indeed anyone who creates in any field, who doesn’t at some point feel that the result of their efforts didn’t do justice to the original inspiration? Self-belief is an elusive current of energy and anyone who says its continuing flow isn’t dependent on acknowledgement from the outside world hasn’t faced a blank page in a while. This song deals with the futile pursuit of perfection that bedevils all who try to make things of beauty… and the fight against that feeling of failure when perfection stays out of reach. I first wrote with Carole King in the mid 90s at a songwriters’ gathering in Miles Copeland’s Chateau in France. Then later in Dublin and LA. This was the third or fourth song we wrote and as sometimes happens we didn’t get it finished in one day. I took it to Dublin and finished the lyrics. The underlying message is an apt one to finish a record with. ‘A fair bit done, much more to do!’… Bring it on… but only if it’s fun!