I'm trying to figure out this money thing. It's a mystery to me. Last night I watched a program on Bernie Madoff which told the complete story of the scam from start to finish. I like being comfortable and having the few bob in my pocket as much as the next guy but…what is the point, in the big picture, of spending your whole life just accumulating money? Not only that but screwing everybody you come across in the process. Oh, what fun! On one level I'm sure that's not what we're here for.
On another level I'm intimidated by these guys in that it's all miles over my head…all this 'front loading', hedge funding, futures, speculating on some other guys collapse, the picking up of pennies a trillion times and then gambling it all in some other direction. The addictive thrill of fucking someone over. it's a skill that's gone on from the dawn of time in one form or another and…I'm not even at the races. I just don't get it. Am I missing something?
The thing that bothers me is that, when I'm around these people, and from time to time we do cross paths… hey, they need to be entertained every so often…I kinda feel like I'm from another species, one that's on the way out. Last time I was in NYC I found myself looking up at the Lipstick building and feeling like a dinosaur….a very small one. It's not a good feeling.
Once in a while a money guy will go..hey Paul, I'd love nothing more than to be able to sing, write a song, play the guitar like you. How come i don't believe him, think he's humoring me?
Mind you, Bernie's in the clink now and I'm heading out on tour to play for you guys.
But one question won't go away. How do you value a song…and is there any way I can maybe bet on it being a failure?